Firstly, let me say I need a darn BREAK from being a mother and a wife. This Blog is for women that are mothers that have to work for a living, also mothers that are stay at home moms, and even housewives while their children are in school. Mmm I've experienced them all and guess what? I am now a WORKING MOM AND WIFE that's busting her RUMP! I am looking forward to giving you the ins and outs on how to live a productive work life balance. I am here to provide you with great and needed resources to use throughout your journey. Allow me to show you how to add your me time into your busy life. Believe it or not! I lost my identity while being a mother and a wife but I have now found it, YAY! Which we all know as mothers that are in a relationship can lose themselves in the mix. Allow me to help you to not lose your identity and even if you have no worries. I can guide you on how to find your identity again. Now what I do know is that us mothers have our family on our shoulders, no worries I am here for you. There's no hesitation to be part of something that's great. A movement that is for all women:

Me Time Me Please.