Structure and Order...Screw the Chaos!

Your Life Experience doesn’t have to be Chaos just because you are a MOTHER

Whoa, I know the title is a lot and I know we can not control chaos but will say you can avoid chaos for sure. Yes, I avoid chaos because I do not enjoy drama and conflict. You may ask how do you avoid chaos and why is this important to talk about? As a mother taking on drama and allowing chaos to happen in my life, it ruins my whole outlook as being a mother. I become drained negatively and it will take away from my children and life. So we are going to talk about how to avoid drama when wanting a healthy mental health for your family. Firstly before I get into it when creating drama or chaos for ourselves the question is are you bored, are you unhappy, or are you just simply looking for excitement. Being a mother you can lose yourself well as a mother I have lost myself more so my identity.

It is important to recognize when you might be creating drama It is time to change your perspective. A lot of the drama takes place in our own heads, surprising right? Well it shouldn't be because we often do this. We can be too deeply immersed in a difficult situation to recognize rather if there is an issue or if we're creating the issue. If you feel yourself getting overwhelmed by a situation, step back and realize this feeling isn’t permanent. This is the best way to say hey no chaos in my life no you cannot change what happens in some ones but you can definitely avoid it. Reconsider unhealthy relationships. Where's the lie? We know that it is easy to feed into people's mess and at times the mess has nothing to do with you. I swear I have found myself into people's mess then bring the mess into my home. This is an unnecessary chaos that is not needed in your world. Do you know how simple it is to remove drama from our lives? REMOVE THE SOURCE THAT'S CAUSING YOU CHAOS. I shouldn't have to make a list. We pretty much know what the source is. Let's do an exercise, how fun, right? Grab your pen and paper to take an inventory of which people in your life leave you feeling stressed and unhappy more often than not. If you don’t want to completely remove a toxic relationship yet, then minimize the time you spend with them. If you don’t want to change how often you see each other, please recognize drama triggers. When the conversation moves toward something that is triggering for you and that will cause you to have chaos steer away from it.

Don’t feed into other people’s drama

Setting boundaries is always needed as I have learned to mellow myself out when taking on other people's chaos when I became a mother. The ones that I care for I never want them to think I am not there for them. I always let the ones that I love that I am here but I am here for me first. I have a family that needs me so seeking a therapist maybe a best fit for them. I do explain that my mental needs to be healthy to be a great mother to my children. Some get it and some do not. But standing your ground and having boundaries will work for you. What A Great Step to Take If You Are In This Situation. If someone repeatedly comes to you with catastrophes, give yourself a window of time when you’ll just listen, and then take care of yourself by walking away without getting involved. I swear this is great information because people will try it, lol. It is okay to listen but do not take it in and make it your problem. It is not your problem do not get involve of their chaos. Also, do your best to resist the urge to jump into a pity party. You’ll be helping your friend too. Believe it or not this often people calm themselves down when other’s don’t join into the complaints and drama. Lastly, your calm energy may even help them learn to let it go.